Friday, February 28, 2020

Reflection Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection Questions - Assignment Example These weapons were devastating to soldiers as death tolls during the Great War’s massive battles resulted to horrific loss of life due to these new weapons. Civilian populations were mobilized to many industrial factories as these weapons were needed to be manufactured at both high rate and volume. While Russia’s initial involvement in the Great War was seen in a positive light, most Russian soldiers were conscripts who were not close to willing to join in. Coupled by the lack of effective logistics, poor leadership of Russia’s many officers, and the eventual staggering casualties and desertions; it would be no surprise that such news would increase the discontent in the already disillusioned Russian population to the point of revolt. As Trotsky (1930) observed, â€Å"the revolutionary elements, scattered at first, were drowned in the army almost without a trace, but with the growth of the general discontent they rose to the surface† (p.15). The withdrawal of Russia would lead to military and political changes in Europe afterwards. Howard (2002) posited that â€Å"by then the Russians might well be out of the war and the Germans able to concentrate all their forces on breaking the Western allies†, this would add military pressure to the Western Front which France and Great Britain were engaged in. Politically, Russia’s humiliating withdrawal would lead to the downfall of the Tsarist regime and pave way for the rise of the Communist Soviet Russia. The Russian Provisional Government under the Kerensky administration insisted on remaining in the Great War in was to adhere to its obligations with Russia’s wartime allies to continue the fight against the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. This did not make the soldiers feel any better since such an objective showed less concern for the country’s welfare and situation. Vladimir â€Å"Lenin† Ulyanov and Lev Bronshtein,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Recommendation letter for admission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recommendation letter for admission - Essay Example I write this letter to you to highly recommend the application of Mr. xxx for admission to Columbia University’s LLM program. He is an excellent fit for Columbia’s unique program and I take great delight in acknowledging below, the accomplishments and service that Nicholas has rendered to our esteemed firm.In November 2004, Baker & McKenzie started a selective hunt for a single candidate to join our Corporate and Merger & Acquisition departments. After interviewing nearly 80 candidates and assessing them with case method tests, we accepted Nicolas. For a young man of 23, he already had a remarkably full resume and his overall experience was one of the deciding factors in our decision.After joining our firm, Nicholas rapidly became a key player in our Corporate and Merger & Acquisition departments. In the months that followed, Nicolas joined a team of 10 attorneys in developing last year’s largest merger that involved an International Communications Company. Nicol as worked smoothly with the other members of the team—all of whom were at least 15 years older—and proved to be the communications link between all departments for that important transaction. Ever since that merger took place, Nicolas has always been the communications liaison in every operation that he is involved with. As a senior associate of the Merger & Acquisition Department, I am in charge of important international transactions.... In a two-hour meeting, Nicolas helped find a simple but brilliant solution by using nominal local shareholders for the bid and then transferring the shares to our client. In terms of undertaking and completing assignments, Nicolas is able to handle pressure with professionalism and responsiveness to both the clients' needs and the firm's needs. He was recently entrusted with closing the urgent sale of a large International Pharmaceutical Company in Uruguay and Mexico. Within two weeks, he had traveled to both countries and successfully executed the agreements. He is now in charge of reviewing all documents at closing and creating a checklist that is appended to the agreement. Nicolas's biggest strength is Client Care. His experience in the Criminal Underage Court and Labor Law firms has given him extensive and quality training in terms of dealing with people from all walks of life. His great sense of humor and dynamic personality has also saved us on many occasions. A particularly difficult account comes to mind: We were facing severe miscommunication glitches with a multinational Italian company, a European-style family business that had recently decided to settle in Argentina. Based on Nicolas's cultural background, language and people skills, we invited him to come aboard. Once he had analyzed the case, he indicated our weakness lay in the lack of personal contact and suggested that we invite the client's General Legal Counsel, who lived in Milan, to a meeting at our Buenos Aires office. Nicolas had learned that the Counsel's family and his own family (mother's side) were from the same Italian town, xxx. This was a good starting point for the meetings, most of which Nicolas led in fluent Italian. After